Parks & Rec Advisory Council

The next meeting will be at Village Center on July 15th at 6pm in the Harbor Cove Room

Meetings are usually the last Wednesday of every month

All are welcome to join us

E-mail with any questions

Parks and Recreation Advisory Council Members

Updated July 2024

Beth Capodanno – June 2025
Robert Gross – June 2026
Lois Kilkenny – June 2026
Rima Potter – June 2027
Mary O’Sullivan – June 2026
Thomas Provencher – June 2026
Dana Eng – June 2027
Maria Palmar – Alternate
Isobel Breheny-Schafer – Alternate

Village of Port Jefferson, NY / Part I, Administrative Legislation
Chapter 65 Parks and Recreation Advisory Council

[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Port Jefferson as Ch. 14 of the 1970 Code; amended in its entirety 6-11-1992 by L.L. No. 4-1992. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]

§ 65-1. Establishment.
There is hereby established a Parks and Recreation Advisory Council pursuant to § 4-412 of the Village Law of the State of New York.

§ 65-2. Composition; terms of office; qualifications.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, each for a term of five years, to serve without compensation, except that of those first appointed one shall serve for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for a term of four years and one for a term of five years. Any vacancy occurring otherwise than by expiration of a term shall be filled by appointment by the Mayor for the unexpired term only. Members must be citizens of the United States, at least 18 years of age and residents of the Incorporated Village of Port Jefferson. Members of the Board of Trustees, not exceeding two in number, may be members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council. The members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall select a Chairman from among their members.

§ 65-3. Meetings; records; quorum.
All meetings of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council may determine. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall keep a written record of its proceedings. Four members shall constitute a quorum.

§ 65-4. Powers and duties.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall have the following powers and duties which shall be performed and discharged subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees:
A. To recommend to the Board of Trustees for consideration and enactment local laws for the care, management and protection of parks and for the conduct of persons therein and for the exclusion of improper persons therefrom.
B. Pursuant to the Village Law of the State of New York, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall have the following additional powers and duties, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees:
(1) To recommend recreational programs and leisure-time and cultural activities.
(2) To recommend to the Board of Trustees personnel, equipment and materials for the programs.
(3) To recommend to the Board of Trustees modification or new construction of recreation facilities, parks and playgrounds.

§ 65-5. Estimate of anticipated revenues and expenditures.
The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council, at a time to be designated by the Board of Trustees, shall submit to the Board of Trustees an estimate of anticipated revenues and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year to be, if approved by the Board of Trustees, included in the budget.



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