The Incorporated Village of Port Jefferson

Your Village needs you to volunteer for one of the many boards and committees that help make our government and community work at its finest.

Here’s your chance to learn about the boards and committees you can serve on and help make a difference.

Use the form below to tell us your interests.

Port Jefferson needs your time and talent; please join us!

Architectural Review Committee
Board of Assessment Review
Board of Ethics
Budget and Finance Committee
Citizens Commission on Erosion
Communications Working Group
Community Relations Working Group
Conservation Advisory Council
Country Club Management Advisory Council
Economic Opportunity Council
Parks and Recreation Advisory Council
PJCC North Campus Steering Committee
Planning Board
Power Plant Working Group
Public Safety Advisory Council
Rental Code Working Group
School District Interactive Working Group
Six Acre Park Committee
Tree Committee
The Whaleboat 1776 Project Steering Committee
Zoning Board of Appeals

* = Board/Committee/Council has reached it’s capacity of members

Architectural Review Committee

Architectural Review Committee consists of five members whose role is advisory only.

The committee provides the Planning Board and Building Inspector with information and advice for the purpose of promoting the health, safety and general welfare of the community, conserving and enhancing the appearance of the Village, especially in areas of existing or potential scenic value, of historical note, of architectural merit or of interest to the residents, and for the purpose of assisting property owners to maintain the appearance and architectural tone of their neighborhoods and preserve property values for the purpose of eliminating blight.

In the selection of the members of the Committee, the Board of Trustees may consider persons interested, trained or experienced in architecture, local history, land development, community planning, landscape architecture, engineering, building construction, conservation, environment or other relevant business or profession or persons interested in civic development and betterment.

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Board of Assessment Review

The Board of Assessment Review (BAR) must consist of not less than three and no more than five members.  The term of office is five years.  Terms must be staggered so that only one term expires each year.  The Board of Assessment Review is vested with the duty and responsibility of hearing property assessment complaints in the first instance.  This includes exercising judgment and discretion to render an impartial, objective determination on complaints of assessments as presented.  A statement from the board’s reasoning for the determination is required to be included in their response. Real Property Tax Law requires that members of the board of assessment review have knowledge of property values in the assessing unit.  Each member of the board is required to take an oath of office and keep it on file with the Clerk’s Office.  Initial appointees and re-appointees to the BAR must attend a training session, taught by a County Director of Real Property Tax Services to participate in the hearing and determination of assessment complaints on grievance day.  Training must be completed on or before December 1st to be able to sit on the board during grievance day.

For more information about the Board of Assessors see 31-11 Bureau of Assessment; Board of Assessors in the Village Code.

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Board of Ethics *

This Board will take shape after the newly drafted Ethics Code is approved by the Board of Trustees, following a public hearing. As it currently is conceived, it will be a five member Board of Ethics, of which no more than two members are enrolled in the same political party. No member of the Board of Ethics should otherwise be an officer or employee of the Village. If a five member board is too difficult to populate, a three member board will suffice. The members should be made to understand that the Board interprets and implements an established body of law.

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Budget and Finance Committee *

  1. The Budget and Finance Committee (the “Committee”) shall function in a strictly advisory capacity for the Inc. Village of Port Jefferson (the “Village”) Mayor and Trustees. The Committee shall not serve as policymakers.
  2. The purpose of the Committee is to assist the Village Mayor and Trustees in the preparation and review of the Village’s Operating and Capital Budgets, and in the review of the annual independent audit, and to make recommendations to the Village Mayor and Trustees regarding such.
  3. The Committee shall meet as required to perform its mission and shall have regularly scheduled meetings at least once a month. The Committee’s duties include assisting and reviewing the preparation of the preliminary and adopted budgets, and meeting with the independent auditors prior to the adoption of the annual audit. The Committee is charged to meet with Village officers, employees, elected officials, other board and committee members, outside consultants, lawyers, auditors and other third parties as necessary to perform their function.
  4. Members of the Committee may participate in meetings in person or through technology.
  5. The Committee shall consist of five (5) voting members, who shall be nominated by the Mayor and appointed by a majority of the Trustees (including the Mayor), and serve for a two year term expiring on June 30. The members shall be independent of the management and business activities of the Village.
  6. At least four members of the committee shall be residents of the Village.
  7. The Committee shall annually select one member to be the Chairperson and one member to be the Vice Chairperson. Both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall be residents of the Village.
  8. The Village Mayor, a Trustee, and the Treasurer shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting members of the Committee. The Deputy Treasurer may substitute for the Treasurer.
  9. If vacancies occur, the Village Mayor and Trustees voting as a majority shall appoint successors to serve the unexpired portion of the term.
  10. Members of the Committee may be removed for cause by the Mayor and Trustees voting as a majority.
  11. All Committee members will be bound by an oath of confidentiality.
  12. Non-committee members may only attend a Committee meeting upon the written consent of a majority of the Committee members and in accordance with law.

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Citizens Committee on Erosion

The Citizens Commission on Erosion will spearhead the discussions about the East Beach Bluff stabilization project as well as other issues related to stormwater resiliency, to explore how other coastal communities on Long Island and beyond are addressing their erosion issues and to help the Village look at best practices and find the best way forward to protect and preserve Village property.  This will be open to all residents with time and expertise to lend community insights to this important issue.

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Communications Working Group

The Communications Working Group is dedicated to transparent, accurate and timely communication. Its mission is to ensure that accurate, timely, and relevant information is shared with residents, businesses, and stakeholders, fostering engagement, promoting civic participation, and building confidence in the governance processes of the Inc. Village of Port Jefferson.

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Community Relations Working Group

The Port Jefferson Village Community Relations Committee creates a platform for representatives from community organizations to build strong relationships, address community concerns, and facilitate open dialogue to enhance the overall well-being and quality of life in Port Jefferson. This Committee meets quarterly for discussions which foster a cohesive, inclusive, and vibrant community by promoting understanding, cooperation, and engagement among residents, businesses, and local organizations.

Potential invitees, additions and modifications welcome:

  • PJV Civic Association
  • PJ Fire Department
  • PJ EMS
  • Port Jefferson Union Free School District
  • Bridgeport/Port Jeff Ferry
  • Theatre Three
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Business Improvement District (BID)
  • Stony Brook University
  • Northwell / Mather
  • St Charles / Catholic Health
  • LI Explorium
  • Hope House, Pax Christi
  • LIRR / MTA
  • Port Jefferson Alumni and Friends Foundation

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Conservation Advisory Council

The Council shall consist of seven members appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Village Board of Trustees

Persons residing within the Village of Port Jefferson who are interested in the improvement and preservation of environmental quality are eligible for appointment as a member of the Council.  All members shall be appointed for terms of two years. The Mayor, the Chairman of the Planning Board, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, Village Attorney and other officials that may be hereafter designated by the Village Board of Trustees shall be ex officio members of the Council.

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Country Club Management Advisory Council *

Supervises and controls all facilities comprising the Port Jefferson Country Club;  recommends to the Board of Trustees for consideration and enactment local laws for the care, management and protection of the Country Club facilities; plans and implements recreational programs and leisure-time and cultural activities; recommends to the Board of Trustees personnel, equipment and materials for the programs and activities; audits the accounts and records of the facilities and employs qualified parties to assist them where necessary in the audit and control of the financial matters pertaining to the facilities.

Learn more about the Country Club Management Advisory Council:

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Economic Opportunity Council

Economic Opportunity Council is an advisory committee to the Board of Trustees whose primary purpose is to create initiatives and programs to enhance the quality of the business district while balancing the needs and quality of life for all residents.

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Parks and Recreation Advisory Council

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall consist of seven members to be appointed by the Mayor, subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees, each for a term of five years, to serve without compensation, except that of those first appointed one shall serve for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, one for a term of three years, one for a term of four years and one for a term of five years.

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Council shall have the following powers and duties which shall be performed and discharged subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees:

To recommend for consideration and enactment local laws for the care, management and protection of parks and for the conduct of persons therein and for the exclusion of improper persons therefrom;  recreational programs and leisure-time and cultural activities; personnel, equipment and materials for the programs; modification or new construction of recreation facilities, parks and playgrounds.

Learn more about the Parks and Recreation Advisory Council:

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Planning Board *

Planning Board has five members
The Planning Board is appointed by the Mayor, such appointments to be subject to the consent of the Board of Trustees, for a term of one year.

Powers and Duties

Learn more about the Planning Board:

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PJCC North Campus Steering Committee

PJCC North Campus Steering Committee to make recommendations and proactively guide improvement of the upland portion of the East Beach Bluff property, aka the PJCC North Campus project.

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Power Plant Working Group

The Port Jefferson Village Power Plant Working Group will lead the exploration of innovative possibilities for the future of the Port Jefferson Power Plant. Through open dialogue and engagement with stakeholders, including residents, local businesses, universities, environmental organizations, and governmental bodies,we will be a catalyst for positive change while fostering a transparent and inclusive decision-making process. Our work will include seeking precedent from other communities, conducting feasibility studies, evaluating potential partnerships, and exploring funding opportunities. By actively engaging in research, analysis, and collaboration, we will identify viable alternatives and strategies that align with the community’s needs and values, considering factors such as energy reliability, affordability, job creation, and environmental conservation.

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Public Safety Advisory Council

Members of the PSA Council are appointed to a 3 year term. 

The Public Safety Advisory Council studies and reviews the operation and administration of the village ordinances which involve public safety and welfare and advise the Board of Trustees on any modifications or improvements which could foster improved public safety and quality of life in the Village.

(As of March 2011, the Village was looking for PSA Council members and a new Chair to reinstate an active PSA Council.)

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Rental Code Working Group

The Village of Port Jefferson is inviting participation in a series of meetings to discuss perspectives and issues related to Bed and Breakfast (BnB), Air BnB, and long- and short-term rentals and to hear how this may help inform an update to the Village Code.

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School District Interactive Working Group

This newly established working group is to serve as a community conduit between the areas in which the Port Jefferson Union Free School District and the Village intersect. For example, roadway safety around school property, opportunities to work together and share resources, and engagement of students in Village activities.

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Six Acre Park Committee

The Six Acre Park Committee’s mission is to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees for possible uses- within the designation of parkland- of this Port Jefferson Village parkland located along Highlands Blvd.

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Tree Committee

The Port Jefferson Village Tree Committee is dedicated to promoting, preserving, and enhancing the health, beauty, and ecological vitality of the Village’s urban forest. Through strategic tree management, collaboration with municipal entities, and public education, the Committee fosters a sustainable and resilient village that values the many benefits trees provide, such as clean air, stormwater capture, wildlife habitat, and a sense of natural beauty. With a commitment to native tree species and effective tree-related policies, the Committee works towards a thriving arboreal legacy for current and future generations.

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The Whaleboat 1776 Project Steering Committee

In the Fall of 2022, the Village of Port Jefferson Town Historian, Chris Ryon, approached the Long Island Seaport and Eco Center (LISEC) with a unique proposition; in an effort to promote the story of Port Jefferson’s role in the Culper Spy Ring, would the Bayles Boat Shop undertake construction of a replica whaleboat to help tell that story. It was strongly felt that the building of the whaleboat would be a unique way of embracing Port Jefferson’s Maritime history and its instrumental role in the Revolutionary War effort, telling the story of our Colonial forebears involved in that struggle and engaging the community in the process. The project dovetailed perfectly with a key element of LISEC’s mission: to help perpetuate the legacy and art of wooden boat-building in Port Jefferson. Working in partnership with the Village of Port Jefferson, the Whaleboat 1776 Project represents the village’s early entry in preparation for America’s 250th anniversary celebrations in 2026. It is expected that the project will take about two years to complete and the Steering Committee will help guide fundraising efforts, grant application process and promotional activities to shine a bright light on this amazing project.

Learn more about the Whaleboat Build here: LISEC Whaleboat 1776 Project | Bayles Boat Shop

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Zoning Board of Appeals

ZBA has five members

Up to two alternate members of the Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the Mayor, such appointments to be subject to the consent of the Board of Trustees, for a term of one year.

Powers and Duties:

Learn more about the Zoning Board:

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