Receiver of Taxes

Payment of Taxes

The annual Village taxes are due in full between June 1 and July 1 without penalty. According to Real Property Tax Law section 922, payment of taxes on a timely basis is the responsibility of the property owner even if a tax bill has not been received! The property owner will be liable for all penalties and interest on late payments. Kindly send the stub portion of the bill with your payment and be sure to include your phone number.


Postmark Dates

Payment of tax sent in the mail can only be recorded as received effective by the date postmarked from a U.S. Post Office. A metered postmark is not acceptable! It is suggested that a taxpayer paying by mail near a deadline date send payment by registered mail or certified mail return receipt requested, or have the envelope hand stamped at the local post office window.



Most mortgages include an escrow account for payment of taxes. If a property owner satisfies of a mortgage during the year, the property owner should check with the Tax Receiver to determine if the tax was paid by the bank. The bank will not necessarily forward a tax bill to the property owner after the mortgage has been satisfied. The owner will be liable for penalty and interest even if the bank did not forward a bill.


Delinquent Taxes

For taxes remaining unpaid after July 1, add 5% for the first month and 1 % for each additional month thereafter.