5 12:15 pm

Sanitation and Garbage Carters


Sanitation and Garbage Carters Recently there have been numerous inquiries regarding Sanitation and Garbage Carters operating in the Village of Port Jefferson. In an effort to explain and clarify the process involved in obtaining a Special License (in accordance with Village Code Chapter 151), which grants a company permission to [...]

Sanitation and Garbage Carters2023-10-13T18:20:53-04:00
1 7:43 am

Mayor’s message: LIPA Tax Settlement and What’s On The Horizon


Mayor's message: LIPA Tax Settlement and What's On The Horizon February 1, 2019 Life within the 11777 ZIP Code is about to get real. For decades we were subsidized by the Long Island power Authority’s overassessed power plant. Assessed at over $1billion dollars, the plant represented upwards of 1/2 of [...]

Mayor’s message: LIPA Tax Settlement and What’s On The Horizon2023-10-13T18:22:04-04:00
25 7:01 pm

LIPA Update January 2019


We have posted several new articles below. Please read through these to stay informed. February 1, 2019 This schedule shows the tax impacts based on three different residential properties - a small older, historic home, a mid size colonial home built in the 70's or 80"s and a newer larger [...]

LIPA Update January 20192023-10-13T18:21:15-04:00
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