Welcome to Port Jefferson

Long Island’s hidden treasure is located 50 miles east of New York City, combining beauty and history with its picturesque water views and a rich maritime heritage. Port Jefferson Harbor is one of the north shore’s top destinations for boaters in the northeast and one of Long Island’s two ports for access from Connecticut. The calm waters of the harbor along with a deep draft, provides transient boaters with easy access to many unique shops, specialty restaurants and year-round cultural activities, all within a short walk from the marina docks.

Make sure to visit our magnificent Harborfront Park and Port Jefferson Village Center, a focal point for many educational and social activities, including historic exhibits, and outdoor movies and concerts. Nearby, the Long Island Explorium is a wonderful place of discovery and learning for the entire family. Visitors can also recapture history in the Bayles Boat Shop where you can learn about the building and restoration of wooden boats.

Port Jefferson is home to live theatre year round and enjoy the Mather Museum complex seasonally. The Village hosts many exciting and annual events, including our renowned 4th of July Parade. The Boater’s Maritime Festival, Harvest Fest, Farmer’s Market and our internationally recognized Charles Dickens Festival.

Visit by car, train, ferry or boat and extend your stay at one of our charming accommodations. Fall in love with Port Jefferson… destination for a day or a lifetime.

Recreation & Programs
Parking Information
Calendar of Events


Village Hall Main Number (631) 473-4724

Building/Planning (631) 473-4744

Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals (631) 473-4744

Code Enforcement Dispatcher (631) 774-0066

Parks and Recreation (631) 802-2160

Public Works/Highway (631) 473-4733


Justice Court (631) 473-8287

Animal Control (631) 286-4940

PJ Fire Department Emergency (631) 473-3232

PJ Fire Department Information (631) 473-8910

Village Chandlery Building (631) 474-4725

Harbormaster (631) 473-3052

Groups & Committees

In Port Jefferson Village, we understand that partnership among business, government, and civic leaders is integral to our success. We encourage businesses and stakeholders to work together in the economic development efforts of our community.

Comprehensive Planning Advisory Committee

The most recently formed committee, the CPC is charged with the task of updating the Village’s Master Plan using historic studies of record and new smart growth, revitalization and energy efficient mandates and tools.

The committee meets every week and is currently working on the draft master plan proposal recently submitted by Cameron Engineering. Once revised, the master plan will go through a public process of review over the spring and summer months and will need final approval by the Board of Trustees before it can ultimately be adopted.

Beautification Committee


Do you like the idea of meeting up with some very nice people to keep our community aesthetically pleasing?

Are you able to:

Work with us to care for the projects in progress at present?
Help to keep the garden areas watered?


Maintenance of the gardens is usually done on Tuesday mornings, but ANY HELP AT ANY TIME IS IMPORTANT to keep things going.

Board of Assessment Review (BAR)

A quasi-judicial body that reviews all grievance applications and makes final determination as to real property assessment, the BAR meets in the spring during tax grievance season.

Currently the BAR is engaged in the recent challenge filed by LIPA and Grid and is also making suggestions to the procedures and policies impacting assessed valuations and the grievance process.

Conservation Advisory Council

The Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) is an advisory body to the Village Board of Trustees on matters affecting the preservation, development, and use of natural and man-made features within the Village.

The CAC engages in issues affecting the environment such as open space management, land use, conservation, storm water management, recycling and sustainability, and conveys it’s views, ideas, and recommendations to the Trustees. The CAC also works in cooperation with local groups to promote conservation and preservation of the environment including the Village’s Go Green committee.

Country Club Commission – CCMAC

This Commission works directly with the country club faculty, professionals (both golf and tennis) and the Village administration to help manage the recreational facilities of the club, and oversee the maintenance of the grounds and club house.

The commission is instrumental in helping the board of trustees in establishing the annual budget, membership drive and other revenue producing initiatives. The CCMAC has eleven members approved and appointed by the Board of Trustee and meets monthly on all country club related issues.

Economic Development Council

Economic Development is an advisory committee to the Board of Trustees whose primary purpose is to create initiatives and programs which will enhance the quality of the business district while balancing the needs and quality of life for all residents.

The EDC was reinstated in 2009 by Mayor Garant and has initiated many new projects including the Farmers Market, a Harvest and Winter festival, reinstated our neighborhood watch program, created a newlsetter and“how-to-guide” to opening a business, a rebranding Port Jefferson campaign which includes our new logo and a universal walking guide naming every business in both upper and lower Port to be distributed throughout Long Island and beyond through the LI Convention and Visitors Bureau. (LICVB). We welcome members to the EDC from both the commercial, professional and residential districts.


A joint project of the Village of Port Jefferson and the Humanities Institute at Stony Brook University. Go Green is in it’s third year of presenting seminars and information days designed to help residents of Port Jefferson and Long Island to respond to the challenges of global climate change. Programming provides residents with information to influence policies and practices in and around the Village of Port Jefferson.

Parking Committee

The Port Jefferson Parking Committee is charged with developing and evaluating plans, ideas and recommendations regarding municipal parking throughout the Village.

The Committee will assist all departments and individual efforts to manage, improve and expand municipal parking. The goal of the Committee is to assist in making Village municipal parking easy to use, clean, safe and economically self-supporting to benefit resident, business and visitor use.

Parks Commission

The Parks and Recreation Commission is responsible for the consideration and enactment of local laws for the care, management and protection of the parks, beaches and recreational facilities of the Village. The Commission also recommends recreational and cultural activities to the Board of Trustees, and oversees the construction of any new parks or playgrounds.

Some of the special events which the recreation department sponsors annually are the concert series on the harbor, Halloween party for our children and all of the adult recreation programs, featuring men’s and women’s softball, co-ed volleyball, golf, aerobics and more. The department also oversees an active senior citizen program which sponsors bus trips, luncheons and holiday parties.

Members of the Parks and Recreation Commission are appointed to a 5-Year term.

Public Safety Advisory Committee

The Public Safety Advisory Board studies and reviews the operation and administration of the village ordinances which involve public safety and welfare.

They advise the Board of Trustees on any modifications or improvements which would foster improved public safety and quality of life in the Village. As of March 2011, we are currently looking for PSA members and a new Chair to reinstate an active PSA committee.

Members of the PSA Committee are appointed to a 3 year term.

Demographic Information

Download ESRI Demographic & Income Profile

Area – 3.05 square miles
Population – 8,140 (ESRI Forecast)
Number of Households – 3,093 (ESRI Forecast)
Median annual household income – $95,300 (2000 Suffolk County Planning Board)
Percentage of housing that is owner-occupied – 80.3% (2000 Census)
Median home value – $533,829 (ESRI Forecast)
Average age of residents – 40.4 years (2000 census)
Percentage of residents who are professionals – almost 40%
Percentage of adult population that has attended college – 66%
Percentage with graduate degrees – 30%

Port Jefferson has one of Long Island’s lowest unemployment levels. (4.1% 2/2002 vs. 6.1% 2/2002 countywide)

Port Jefferson Schools are ranked among the top in the country. (student-to-teacher ratio= 10 to 1)

Three major hospitals provide over 539 beds and nearly 3200 jobs.  The Port Jefferson Library, founded in 1909, has over 165,000 holdings with circulation exceeding 272,000.

For additional statistical information on Port Jefferson, try these links: