Port Jefferson Village to Hold Town Hall on Future of East Beach Bluff

All Concerned Villagers Welcome

Port Jefferson, NY—May 15, 2024 – The Incorporated Village of Port Jefferson will host a Town Hall meeting on Tuesday, May 28th from 7:00 pm-8:30 pm, at the Waterview at Port Jefferson Country Club, to discuss the future of the East Beach Bluff. 

The two-phase bluff stabilization project was funded in 2021 with a $10 million bond following a unanimous vote by the then Board of Trustees. The project was planned, initiated, and partially completed during that prior administration, but has not yet entered Phase II due to pending approval from FEMA, which is required to start the second part of the project since the Federal Emergency Management Agency will be funding 75% of the cost of Phase II. 

The first Phase of the project, which included a revetment wall, terracing and plantings as well as 4,000 cubic yards of backfill and an emergency drainage installation, was completed in May 2023 at a cost of more than $5.5 million to Village taxpayers. Tragically, the magnificently constructed repair was breached in several areas of the bluff face after multiple severe weather events between December 2023 and March 2024. The subsequent destabilization of Phase I of the project has been the subject of several news reports and has generated criticism and concern from a number of residents. This leaves some residents to question the project and whether it is wise to proceed with Phase II which includes a four-to-five story steel revetment wall and additional plantings. 

As coastal erosion threatens communities island-wide, the Village faces some difficult decisions, which is why Mayor Sheprow decided to hold this forum. 

“The Bluff generates a lot of discussion and strong feelings in Port Jeff,” said Sheprow. “I wanted to create an opportunity for an open dialogue and bring interested Village residents up to date.”

Sheprow is also hoping that the Town Hall spurs interest in the new Citizens Commission on Erosion, which the Village is creating to study best practices and how other Long Island communities are addressing similar situations, in order to find the best path forward for Port Jefferson. 

“This new commission will be established under the Conservation Advisory Council’s (CAC) jurisdiction under Village Code Chapter 15. I look forward to working with a soon to be reinvigorated and empowered CAC on this and other opportunities,” she said.

All concerned villagers are encouraged to attend the May 28 Town Hall at 7pm. To indicate your interest, please RSVP using this form.